Our 2024 Social Selling Content Study is available now!

Our 2024 Social Selling Content Study is available now!

Hearsay analyzed more than 13 million social posts published by 260,000 advisors and agents from over 100 leading financial services brands who used the Hearsay platform during the calendar year 2023.

In addition to looking at overall performance trends broken down by social platform and post content category and type, we identified trends within major business verticals. 

Here are three key findings from each:

Asset Management
  • Career & Recruiting content performed really well but was minimally utilized
  • Firms published a balanced mix of corporate and educational content
  • Marketing and the field were well-aligned on content priorities
Wealth Management
  • The three most suggested and published content categories were the same for three years running
  • There was strong content priority alignment between marketers and social sellers
  • The most engaging content category was drastically underutilized (made up 1% of published content) 
Property & Casualty Insurance
  • Corporate content was suggested a quarter of the time and published more than a third of the time
  • The three most engaging content categories only made up 5% of all published content
  • News made headlines as a high-engagement topic for P&C, but no other business line
Life and Annuity Insurance
  • Marketing and the field were out of sync on social content priorities
  • Financial education content was popular, but testing is required to boost engagement 
  • Despite strong engagement—career and lifestyle posts only accounted for 7% of all published content
  • Marketing and the field needed to sync on content priorities
  • The field showed a heavy preference for educational content over promotional content
  • Two of the three most engaging content categories were among the least published

Download the full Content Study now to dig into the data and see how other lines of business fared. You’ll also learn how AI is helping build stronger social engagement, get a look at the anatomy of a successful post, and much more!

Fill out the form below to get your copy:

Jessica Cates
Jessica is a content creator and strategist dedicated to publishing engaging content across Hearsay's corporate channels. The Gilbert, Arizona-based mom of two loves to tackle a blinking cursor on a blank page – and as a former Nebraskan, is totally down with the southwest's interpretation of winter.

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